
A first check will be made to ensure that the candidate satisfies to the following eligibility requirements set for a Doctoral Candidate funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie programme:

  • The applicant recruited in a DN must be a doctoral candidate (i.e. not already in possession of a doctoral degree at the date of the recruitment). Researchers who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will not be considered eligible.
  • The applicants should not have lived or worked in the country where they are being recruited for more than 12 months in the past 3 years. This does not include national service, holidays, or time spent as part of a refugee status application. Indeed, for refugees under the Geneva Convention (1951 Refugee Convention and the 1967 Protocol), the refugee procedure (i.e. before refugee status is conferred) will not be counted as ‘period of residence/activity in the country of the recruiting beneficiary’.

Selection criteria

The RIDERS recruitment process will be open, transparent, impartial and equitable in accordance with the provisions of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and ensuring that no conflict of interest exists in or arises from the recruitment. The selection of the applicants will be made on the basis of their scientific skills and the relevance of their research experience and academic background, the impact of the proposed training on their researcher’s career and a fair gender representation, according to the following notation criteria: Academic background, Scientific background, Soft skills and Mobility.

The following RIDERS application process applies to all the opened positions except for:

DC3 – Multiscale modelling of ion transport and interfacial phenomena in Li-metal polymer batteries – Uppsala University (UU), Uppsala, Sweden) and DC8 – Nanoporous functional SIPE separators for Na-ion batteries – Stockholms University (SU), Stockholm, Sweden),
for which the selection process is closed.

Application process for DC1, DC2, DC4, DC5, DC6, DC7, DC9 and DC10

A first check will be made to ensure that the application is complete, meaning that it includes:

  • The signed application form confirming the conformity with the eligibility criteria and confirming the agreement of the applicant according to the treatment of his/her personal information (see Job Applicant Privacy Notice section in the application form), either with electronic signature on the pdf document, or with handwritten signature on a printed and scanned version,
  • A detailed CV, including:
  • email address and phone number,
  • current country of residence,
  • nationality,
  • if applicable: A listing of relevant publications, with a single-sentence statement detailing their contribution and relevance to the position.
  • a list of technical and scientific skills, as well as any other activity demonstrating impact (such as outreach, training, scientific communications and general public engagement activities…),
  • master thesis title,
  • a short description of academic and/or industrial internships,
  • the contact details of two academic or industrial referees (name, title, affiliation, email address and phone number) who are willing to provide upon request detailed recommendation letters.

The CV must clearly state where the candidate spent the past three years (occupation, institutions, cities, countries) and its current country of residence, so that the eligibility of the application can be appreciated.

  • A motivation letter detailing the interest for each position applied for and mentioning the mid-term professional objectives of the candidate.

The candidate should download and use the Application package that includes:

  • The application form to be completed and signed,
  • The overall recruitment offer,
  • The complete description of application process,
  • The individual descriptions of the 10 open DC positions.

All applications must be submitted in an email including the required supporting documents as enclosures (as .pdf files or as an archive containing the application form, the CV and the motivation letter) to the following email address recruitment(at), with the following subject: RIDERS Recruitment – [APPLICANT LAST NAME First name].

The size of the required supporting documents must not exceed 10 MB in total.

A positive or a negative feedback will be provided by email to each applicant within 2 months following the submission of his/her application.

Additional information

Please make sure to check the frequently asked questions page before inquiring.

If you do not find the answer to your question, you can always contact us using the contact form.